Our Faith Formation goal, here at St. Paul’s, is to help others grow in their relationship with God throughout their ENTIRE life as individuals and as participants in a faith-based community. We wish to educate and journey with you as you learn to live as a disciple of Jesus Christ in your homes, in your communities, and in the world.


Pre-K through 8th Grade Religious Education



Father Rausch Hall


Faith Formation on Sundays (9 AM to 10:30 AM)


Note: Parents should wait with their children until the catechists arrive in the hall. Never leave your child unattended.

Pre-K to 8 Team:

Ms Christina Christensen

Mrs. Maureen Hunt

Ms. Kristy White


Karen White
Cliff & Lisa Johnston


Confirmation Prep Team

Mrs. Joan Salvestrini
Ms. Kristy White



Kristy White, Director of Religious Education at ffspah@rcda.org or call the office at (607) 637-2571.



Will be announced via St. Paul’s bulletin and Facebook page at the end of August or early September.


First Reconciliation and First Communion is offered to 2nd grade students who have participated in 2 years of Faith Formation classes. Classes for sacrament preparation are scheduled in the Fall for First Reconciliation and in the Spring for First Communion.



Pre-K through 8th Grade Faith Formation:

Pre-K through 8th grade Faith Formation is based on a whole group format. Together, we learn about our faith using a variety of books, videos, and materials. We journey through fundamental aspects of growth in all areas: social, intellectual, and spiritual. Classes are held twice a month after Mass in the Father Rausch Hall. 


Confirmation Preparation Religious Education (Grades 9 & 10)

Using Chosen: Your Journey to Confirmation, students in grades 9 and 10, will explore their Catholic Faith to prepare them for the reception of the gifts of the Holy Spirit at the time of their Confirmation.  Confirmation perfects Baptismal grace and helps each individual to associate more closely with the mission of the Church.  Through Confirmation we can bear witness to the Christian faith in words accompanied by deeds.


Confirmation classes are held twice a month, on Saturdays, from 5 pm to 6:30 p.m in the DeSerio Center.  During a student's 2nd year, a mandatory Confirmation retreat will be scheduled, in order to, prepare for the sacrament.


Kristy White, Director of Religious Education at ffspah@rcda.org or

call the office at (607) 637 - 2571


Will be announced via St. Paul’s bulletin and Facebook page at the end of August or early September. Students must participate in both years of Confirmation prep in order to receive the sacrament. Special circumstances will be looked at on a case-by-case basis.

Class Cancellations:

Please check to see if classes have been canceled due to inclement weather on our Facebook page. Please exercise caution when

transporting your children to class. Safety is our number one concern. Weather on the outskirts of Hancock can often be more severe than the weather we experience in town.


Program Costs:
The cost to register your child is $10, with a maximum of $40 per family. Please
see Kristy White if you have financial concerns. ALL ARE WELCOME!


Vacation Bible School (VBS):

Vacation Bible School is held yearly, in conjunction with Emory Methodist

Church. Hosting privileges alternate each year! Information is posted to our

Facebook page and placed in the bulletin each year. Cost? Free! Join in on the

summer fun with us as we learn more about our faith!


R.C.I.A. Preparation:

Are you thinking about joining the Catholic Church?

Many adults wishing to join the Catholic faith follow a process called R.C.I.A,

which stands for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. For more

information, contact the parish office at (607) 637 - 2571 or email us at



Baptismal Preparation:

For more information on the sacrament of baptism,

please contact the parish office at (607) 637 - 2571 or email



Marriage Preparation:

To learn more about marriage preparation and

Pre-Cana classes, please contact the parish office at (607) 637 -2571 or email

us at stpauls@hancock.net.