Building and Grounds
Purpose: Maintenance and repairs of the Church, Rectory, Father Rausch Hall, and the DeSerio Center. We also maintain St. Paul's Cemetery and the St. Frances LaSalle Cemetery in French Woods.

Community Fund
Purpose: St. Paul's and the Emory United Methodist Church maintain a fund to aid stranded motorists with gas and food if necessary as well as a place to sleep overnight.

Parish Outreach Programs:
St. Paul's is the location for the Loaves & Fishes food bank, Hancock Community Education Foundation Preschool and the Children's Center. We provide space for the local Red Cross blood drives as well as the Alcoholic Anonymous Group meetings.


Parish Outreach Programs:
St. Paul's is the location for the Loaves & Fishes food bank, Hancock Community Education Foundation Preschool and the Children's Center. We provide space for the local Red Cross blood drives as well as the Alcoholic Anonymous Group meetings. Our church also helps support two children in a third world country through the national Unbound organization.


Community Toy Drive:

The toy drive is run by a group of volunteers who want to help make the Christmas Season a little brighter for the children of the community. The fund raiser is a major undertaking. The kick off date is Thanksgiving Weekend and ends on Christmas Day. Donations of toys and money come from the members of the community. The goal is to spread the holiday cheer to every child in the community. Requests come from all sources and are usually filled by the Tuesday prior to Christmas Day.


And any request that comes in late are also filled, even if it is Christmas Morning. Volunteers for this important program are always welcome.

Contact Maureen Hunt for more information at 637-2757.


Annual Report 2015-2016

Annual Report 2016-2017

Annual Report 2017-2018

Annual Report 2018-2019